Friday, May 3, 2013

Listening Hearts: Grounding for Your Spiritual Strategic Plan

Saturday, May 18
St. Barnabas’ Episcopal Church,
4801 Ravensworth Road Annandale, VA 22003
9:30 AM-3 PM

Led by Suzanne Farnham, 
author of Listening Hearts—Discerning Call in Community

Hebrew and Christian tradition sees the heart as central to the body and the spirit.
“When we draw together with truly listening hearts, we enter into communion with one another and with God.” p. 2, Introduction of Listening Hearts.

In this day of reflection, we will explore ways to seek God’s guidance for us, not only as individuals, but also as a community of the body of Christ. 

You may want to read the book Listening Hearts, which outlines methods of discernment based on Anglican spirituality and Quaker practice. 

Lunch and nursery care will be provided.

Call St. Barnabas’ church office at 703-941-2922 to RSVP.