Sunday, October 13, 2013

All Things Bright and Beautiful...

On an October day that felt more like summer than autumn, St. Barnabas held its annual Blessing of the Animals service in honor of The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

This was the first performance of the year for the Children's Choir. They sang "The Butterfly Song," with lyrics including an elephant, an octopus, a fuzzy wuzzy bear, and a wiggly worm (to name a few).

 The dogs received their blessings from Reverend Linda....

                 The cats received their blessing from Reverend Linda...

       ... and two rabbits and a chinchilla received their blessing as well!

Even animals of the stuffed variety received blessings!   



 The service was followed by snacks for all (human, furry, and feathered). 

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all.


St. Barnabas' Shrine Mont Weekend

St. Barnabas' Retreat Weekend at Shrine Mont was a great success: there were more parishioners at church in Shrine Mont than there were left in Annandale!

 Our church's growing children's community was well-represented. In addition to organized crafts (gorgeous Jesus Loves Me flower pots), stories, songs, and dances, the children also had a fair amount of play time to strengthen their relationships with each other.

The older children's level of enthusiasm was particularly notable. They helped take responsibility for the younger ones, acting as great guides and buddies.
Excavation lesson.

Somebody give these guys something to do. Seriously. ;)

Our time together was well-organized and well-spent, focusing on the ways that we feed our souls and feed our communities. The presentations were 100% put on by our own parishioners. We frequently broke out into groups, which provided fantastic opportunities to get to know people we might not otherwise have known. Although we're a small church, we're growing. I would venture to guess that everyone there met someone new over the weekend.

The music was great fun! This picture doesn't do it justice. Songs ranged from traditional and spiritual to campy and fun. Whatever the mood of our lesson and work, Beth had a song to enhance it. Awesome.

At one point several families with kids decided to take advantage of Shrine Mont's labyrinth. For the little ones it was a puzzle and an exercise in patience.
 Labyrinths are amazing, aren't they? Even without anyone saying so, the young ones quickly get to a place where they recognize it's a space for reflection. The Spirit at work.
 Getting out in nature is an important part of the Shrine Mont experience, and luckily the weather cooperated. Three parents and a random assortment of St. Barnabas' kids decided to hike the Cross Trail, which takes about 90 minutes and is suitable for kids.There were plenty of walking sticks to go around, tiny toads to be discovered, and a great view from the top of the trail.

Some of the other adults decided to do the longer and more challenging hike up North Mountain.

One of the most interactive tasks for us at the retreat was to identify the many ministries of the church and help the Portfolio Management Team help prioritize. Our work falls into four categories: Worship, In-reach, Outreach, and the Wider Church. Everyone was asked to place a pink dot next to the ministries they felt strongly enough to volunteer for, a green dot next next to the ones they felt were important but weren't directly involved in, and a yellow dot for the ones that were not as important. It was fascinating to see what our community agreed and disagreed on, and it was valuable to identify work that is seen as important but lacks a point-person. And it was most impressive indeed to put all our work into one chart. Considering our size, our good works sure are mighty! Those unable to join us at Shrine Mont are encouraged to participate in this activity. The poster is now in the hallway at St. Barnabas'.

These are just a few of the many memories made that weekend, and the important spiritual work done there on the individual, family, and church community levels. Please add Shrine Mont to your list of wonderful parts of the St. Barnabas' experience!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013: The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, October 13, 2013
The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m.  Holy Eucharist
9:15 a.m.  Adult Choir Rehearsal – Choir Loft
9:15 a.m.  Christian Formation for All Ages
10:15 a.m.  Holy Eucharist & Children's Chapel
following the service  Children's Choir – Education Wing
We welcome as celebrant and preacher the Rev. Randall Prior.

Whenever you come to church, please bring a can of food for the food pantry. 
The need is great!

Please join us for

Children's Chapel

Godly Play

Children's Choir

Journey to Adulthood (Rite 13 & YAC)


Trunk 'N Treat
October 27 @ 4:00 p.m.
St. Barnabas' Parking Lot

Program Descriptions

Childcare -- for infants and toddlers, available from
9:00 through the end of the 10:15 service, in the Nursery in the Education Wing.

Godly Play -- for children ages 3 to 10, from
9:15 to 10:00 in the Education Wing. Godly Play is a Montessori-based Christian Education program, in which the children encounter and retell the stories of the Bible by acting them out with figures.
Children's Chapel -- for children ages 3 to 10, from
10:15 until the Peace, in the Education Wing. Children are invited to sit in the front pew at the beginning of the service, and to follow the crucifer out to Children's Chapel. Each Sunday there is a story and a craft. The children return to join their parents in time for Holy Eucharist.

Journey to Adulthood (J2A & YAC) -- for young adults from age 12 to 18, from
9:15 to 10:00 in the Library. Each week the young adults meet for games, conversation, and planning for service and mission projects.