Mission and evangelism are the primary areas of concern that I will take away from General Convention 2009. We have met in small groups where we have shared stories of ministry and our passions for mission. There has been information shared in the exhibits and presentations which sends me away better equipped and inspired for mission. Presiding Bishop Katherine Jeffort Schori's first sermon said that the heart beat of the church is mission. Ched Myers spoke powerfully about the mission work that can be done by the church through community development loans. In his sermon, Bishop Steven Charleston charged us to save the world in a service devoted to an environmental theme.
As we moved toward a budget, it was clear that the convention is strongly committed to mission. There was pain that the current economic situation requires a cut of over $23 million in the budget for 2010 through 2012. Even though there were cuts in most areas, there were increases to address domestic poverty and a new initiative of $250,000 for Latino ministry (even though the strategy called for much more in this the second largest Spanish speaking country in the world). Millennial Development Goals were re-instated after being cut in an earlier draft.
Our chaplain, the Rev. Frank Wade, challenged us all when he spoke of evangelism. He said that as much as we desire a higher budget for mission and evangelism, if we are not sharing the story of the movement of the living God in our lives, the budget is actually all too large. As much as it is necessary to devote funds to maintain an institution, our emphasis must be on the vital tasks of mission and evangelism.
I find myself re-energized for the mission of St. Barnabas.' I am proud of our ongoing work in Honduras, the work of our youth in the Towel Ministry of Western North Carolina, our ministry to children at risk for gang involvement through our after school program, and our outreach to the poor. The President of the House of Deputies sent us forth with a mandate to go home and do mission--start something or strengthen something. I left eager for us to get on with mission here in Northern Virginia and beyond, confident that the spirit of Barnabas is in this place.
In Christ,
In Christ,