Friday, March 9, 2012

We find it so hard to believe that something good is going to
come out of the troubles we face or that it really will end in
time. When you’re in a pit like the one Joseph’s brothers put
him in and don’t see a way out, it seems natural. But, Jesus
tells us, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.” (Mark 5:36)

In 2009, I had the most difficult boss. Having spent a year
trying to work through the challenges, I decided to quit even
without a back-up job. It was an extremely difficult decision
since I lived alone in Singapore, and I knew I’d have to head
back to India if I exhausted my savings.

I put this decision in God’s hands, praying for weeks before
I planned to resign. Something beautiful happened in this
time. I was filled with God’s reassuring peace that He would
provide for me no matter what, even if it meant leaving
Singapore. Faithful as God always is, I received two
impressive job offers while I served my notice.

Though we can’t see what’s in our future, all we have to do
is believe in our Lord through every circumstance as He
perfects all things.

Psalm 69:1-23(24-30)31-38; Genesis 43:1-15;
1 Corinthians 7:1-9; Mark 4:35-41

These Lenten meditations were written by the people
of St. Barnabas' for the people of St. Barnabas' as part
of our recognition of the 50th anniversary of the founding
of this church. We hope that you will find them helpful
in your own Lenten devotions.