Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mark 10:31: Many who are first will be last, and the last
will be first.

The reign of heaven is seemingly the realm of topsy-turvy.
Yet, when Jesus speaks of letting go of houses, family, and
land for the sake of the good news as the way to abundance
and eternal life, he is describing how life really works. (The
key to juggling is not catching, it's the letting go.) When you
and I are invited to step into the realm of topsy-turvy to
continue to grow, then faith, courage, and resources multiply
to meet the needs. Starting the Center for Liturgy and the
Arts was a letting go, yet so much has come in return. How
blessed I am to have been adopted into the family of St.
Barnabas' and to have shared in such abundance through
assisting with Lenten programs, bible school, Shrine Mont
weekends, Region 8 events, forum hours, celebrations of the
lives of dear friends, Sunday and midweek services, and just
being able to come and sit in the pew. Your welcome,
prayers, and encouragement for me and your support for the
Center continue to be abundant blessings for which I am
profoundly grateful.

Psalm 131, 132; Exodus 7:25--8:19; 2 Corinthians 3:7-18;
Mark 10:17-31

These Lenten meditations were written by the people
of St. Barnabas' for the people of St. Barnabas' as part
of our recognition of the 50th anniversary of the founding
of this church. We hope that you will find them helpful
in your own Lenten devotions.